MXDevInstall is a command line tool for installing Monkey-X target Developer tools automaticly
It's available for Windows, mac and Linux.
It detects the sdk's latest version via internet and downloads it, install to your desired install path and updates the monkey-x configfile, and environment variables (where needed)
It also detects if (and where, where possible) sdk's are allready installed, and updates the config file.
MXDevInstall can also be used to update the sdk's allready installed, to the latest version available on the internet.
MXDevinstall supports the following targets:
* Android
* Android (Ouya)
* Desktop Game
* Flash
* c++ Tool
* Windows 8
* Windows Phone 8
* Xna (XBox 360)
* Playstation Mobile
To use the tool, you must open a console window and run it from there.
* Windows: Open a administrator console and run the .exe (it has to be run as administrator)
* Linux/mac: Open a console and run it from there, you will be prompted for the root password
If you run the tool without arguments or options, it will display a console gui with menus (default)
If you enter arguments to the tool, it will skip the menu and go right to installation.
if you run mxdevinstall with the -h argument, help will be displayed:
Commandline usage:
MXDevInstall v0.9 by Sub_Zero 2014
Usage: mxdevinstall [options]
-h Print help
-t Target (android)
-m Monkey-X path
-i Install path
-u Update OS
-c Cleanup after install
-f Force
-q Quiet mode
-r List ReturnCodes
Targets: android, ouya, desktop, flash
c++, win8, win8-phone, xna,
psm, xcode
Update OS: Linux - Update pkg db before install
Win - Do windows update after install
Dirlogger is a powerful tool for monitoring directories.
It can monitor/log any changes to files/dirs and has also a option to calculate md5 checksums
for even more powerful monitoring of your directories and files.
Commandline usage:
dl [dir] [arg1] [arg2] ...
Example arguments
verbose - Dump all output to console
md5 - Calculate md5 checksums
interval=5 - Interval mode, in minutes
logfile=/path/to/file - Log dir/file changes to file (optional)
datafile=/path/to/file - The internal data file, which dl compares to each run. (optional)
If left out, data files will be stored in the dl folder
SubCrypter is a simple file encrypter. You can encrypt and decrypt your files using encryption keys.
It can also generate encryption keys for you to use.
The usage is simple; generate a encryption key selecting a desired encryption algorithm,
and then use the randomly generated key (always generated with max key length) to encrypt and/or decrypt your files.
Always remember to store the key files in a safe place :)
SubPassword is a gui strong password generator and a password manager. You can easily generate random passwords with an
option to store them in the manager. The invisible passwords option can be used so you don't even know your own passwords, perfect if people can see your computer screen. It also can be used from usb stick. The passwords is encrypted.
SeCom is a android telephone app where you can easily and securely send encrypted text messages over the net.
The messages are also stored encrypted on your phone. Perfect if you just want to maintain your privacy or if you are paranoid.
The app features an inbox, new message screen, and contact list feature. Just like the reqular sms app on your phone.
The connection to the message server is encrypted with a 448bit secure connection while the messages also are 2048bit encrypted.
The message is deleted without a trace from the server when you check for new messages (SeCom can check for a new message
in the background)
The settings screen is on the menu key. You can choose to run SeCom in the background, password on resume, and the message check
interval. There is also an option to shut down SeCom completely.
For a brief overview of the app, including screenshots, see the SeCom documentation.