We will see that we have 2 commands available for generating a key: makekey or makecustomkey.
To make a new randomly generated keyfile, we use the command makekey.
As you can see, makekey takes 2 more arguments, the cipher name (encryption cipher) to use, and the keyfile (the name of the keyfile you want generated).
Now, if we run:
subcrypter help
Then we will see a name list of available ciphers:
subcrypter v1.2 (C) SubSoft 2013
Available ciphers:
AES (256bit)
Blowfish (32-448bit)
CAST5 (64-128bit)
DES (56bit)
RC2 (8-128bit)
RC4 (64-2048bit)
Choose one of those names (AES, Blowfish, CAST5, DES, RC2, RC4) to be inserted at [cipher].
Mark: When a keyfile is randomly generated, the strongest available keysize is automatically selected.
For the keyfile, you just name whatever filename you want subcrypter to save the keyfile as. Warning: ANY ARGUMENTS THAT CONTAINS SPACE(S) MUST BE ENCAPSULATED WITHIN " " .. E.G: "c:\Program Files\something.txt"
Now that you know how to use the makekey command, here's an example:
subcrypter makekey rc4 newfile.out
This will generate a new random encryption key using the encryption cipher rc4 in a file called newfile.out.
The command makecustomkey takes 4 arguments: the cipher to use, the custom encryption key, the custom iv (initialization vector), and the name of the keyfile.
For info on the first argument, the cipher, have a look at Make a random keyfile.
The second argument is the encryption key to be saved in the keyfile. The length depends on how strong (in bits) you want the key to be, remember to stay within
the cipher limits.
The third argument is the iv (initialization vector) to be saved in the keyfile. The length is your choice.
the fourth argument is the filename you want subcrypter to save the keyfile as.
This will make a encryption key of z9(H+b and a iv of zak47mbi27SG478G using the encryption cipher AES in a file called newfile.out
Commandline: Encrypt a file
The syntax:
subcrypter encrypt [infile] [outfile] [keyfile]
The command encrypt takes 3 arguments, the filename of the file to be encrypted, the filename of the encrypted file to be saved, and the filename of the keyfile to use.
The first argument, infile, is the filename of the file you want to encrypt.
The second argument, outfile, is the filename of the encrypted file that will be saved.
The third argument, keyfile, is the filename of a keyfile you've previously made.
This will encrypt the file plaintext.txt and save it encrypted as encrypted.enc using the encryption key in newfile.out
Commandline: Decrypt a file
The syntax:
subcrypter decrypt [infile] [outfile] [keyfile]
The command decrypt takes 3 arguments, the filename of the file to be decrypted, the filename of the decrypted file to be saved, and the filename of the keyfile to use.
The first argument, infile, is the filename of the file you want to decrypt.
The second argument, outfile, is the filename of the decrypted file that will be saved.
The third argument, keyfile, is the filename of a keyfile to use.
This will decrypt the file encrypted.enc and save it decrypted as decrypted.txt using the encryption key in newfile.out
GUI: Make a random keyfile
* Click the "Key Generator" tab.
* Select an encryption cipher from the selectbox.
* Click the "random key" radio button.
* Click on the "Generate keyfile" button and save the randomly generated encryption keyfile.
You have now generated en encryption key and saved it in a keyfile.
Mark: When a keyfile is randomly generated, the strongest available keysize is automatically selected.
GUI: Make a Custom keyfile
* Click the "Key Generator" tab.
* Select an encryption cipher from the selectbox.
* Click the "Custom key" radio button.
* Fill in the encryption key in the key textfield.
* Fill in the iv (initialization vector) in the iv textfield.
* Click on the "Generate keyfile" button and save the custom made encryption keyfile.
You have now generated en encryption key and saved it in a keyfile.
GUI: Encrypt a file
* Click the "Encrypt" tab.
* Select a keyfile by clicking on the "Browse" button by "Select key file".
* Select the file you want to encrypt by clicking on the "Browse" button by "Select file to be encrypted".
* Click on the "Encrypt file..." button and save the encrypted file.
You have now encrypted a file and saved it.
GUI: Decrypt a file
* Click the "Decrypt" tab.
* Select a keyfile by clicking on the "Browse" button by "Select key file".
* Select the file you want to decrypt by clicking on the "Browse" button by "Select file to be decrypted".
* Click on the "Decrypt file..." button and save the decrypted file.
You have now decrypted a file and saved it.